Friday, January 3, 2014

January Challenges

Getting off to an early start this month, since I'm actually on holidays for a week! Tried keeping up with the housework but there's too many boys coming and going so I decided to spend the day in my craft room, and look what I achieved!.......
This is my take on the sketch challenge at Purple Pumpkin

This is the sketch
 and this is my interpretation.... 

Scrap the Girls Another sketch challenge. My lo started off based on this sketch. Ended up kind of flipped but I like it anyway!


Then I moved onto this one for Stuck Sketches

I had 2 lots of photos printed so I did another version, just rotating the sketch and adding a few embellies.

The next couple were just for fun....

Got a few more challenges printed ready to have a go hopefully before we go road tripping in a couple of weeks. If I don't do it before we go, I'll run out of time at the end of the month (especially since I'm supposed to be studying!)
TFL......Happy Scrapping xx

Catch up before the challenges

I just realised I never did finish uploading the last lot of lo's when I promised so thought I'd do it now.
I just loooove this photo of my eldest DS which I snapped on my trusty iphone. And I had this idea in my head which surprisingly came out just how I planned it, so I'm totally in love with this page as well.

I know I've scrapped this more than once, but they are so cute, who could resist!?!

 My boys really are good friends and it makes me so happy <3 p="">

Catching up on some really old photos now..... lol trying to disguise them with newer papers and techniques but even I'm not fooled!

Rach x